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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge



  Hedgefonds Suche
Name, ISIN, Ticker:

Hedgefonds Suche  Detailsuche
  Datenbank Statistik
Hedge Fonds:9.950
HF Professionals:16.367
Service Provider:515

Hedge Fonds Konferenzen & Events

Emotional Intelligence Masterclass
 Veranstaltungsort:Two East Poultry Avenue, Smithfield, London, EC1A 9PT
 Land:United Kingdom - GroÃ?britannien
 Tagungsstätte:CCT Venues
 Startdatum:Tuesday, September 30, 2014
 Enddatum:Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Emotional Intelligence Masterclass
Emotional Intelligence, the driving force behind double-digit growth
What will you gain from attending?
Recognise the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace
Identify the key elements of emotional intelligence
Use a range of skills to build and maintain key relationships
Create a personal action plan to continue to enhance and monitor your emotional intelligence
Take away exercises to continue your own development

Emotional Intelligence (also known as 'EI' or 'EQ') is now a well established set of 'Competencies' that contribute significantly to performance, engagement and success. The importance of 'EQ' compared to 'IQ' increases the higher up the management ladder you are and the more people you have to communicate with. 

Why? Because as the pace of change speeded up and old certainties started to fade, people began to realise that the old-fashioned command-and-control style of leadership, communicating, and selling wasn't cutting it. The heart is more important than the head when it comes to motivating people and connecting with customers. 
Contact us to book your place on now. 

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