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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge



  Hedgefonds Suche
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Hedgefonds Suche  Detailsuche
  Datenbank Statistik
Hedge Fonds:9.950
HF Professionals:16.367
Service Provider:515

Hedge Fonds Konferenzen & Events

Responsible Asset Owners, 8 October, London, Conference
 Veranstaltungsort:Deans Yard, Westminster, London, SW1P 3NZ, United Kingdom
 Land:United Kingdom - GroÃ?britannien
 Tagungsstätte:Church House Westminster
 Startdatum:Tuesday, October 08, 2019
 Enddatum:Tuesday, October 08, 2019
 Organisator:RAO Global Events
 Kontakt Name:Adrienne Lawler
 Kontakt Email:admin@RAOGlobal.org
This summit will bring together leaders in banking, regulation, asset management, government, sovereign wealth, hedge funds, FinTech and academia from across Europe and North America. The Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposium is a timely event given that large asset owners are becoming increasingly powerful players in global financial markets, yet despite their rapid rise they are often less well understood than other types of investment vehicles.
As more countries become reliant on large Asset Owners for future pension schemes this event will address several questions around whether such ambitious growth is controlled by underlying political ambitions with little transparency. All of which could cause significant price movements and inevitably destabilise global financial markets.

- The rise of sovereign wealth funds: definition organisation and governance
- Examining the success of Norway's GPFG fund
- How is the global fixed income market dealing with the rise of populism and political risk?
- Panel debate: Is it time for the UK to launch an SWF - the case for and against
- Panel debate: the case for and against GDP Linked bonds
- Regional demographics - their impact on ESG investing and shaping public policy - how to meet UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Environmental And social governance (ESG) and impact investing
- Strategic long term investing in a low return environment
- Panel debate: ETF Investing - active versus passive investing in a low return
- Middle East Case Studies - examining how regional SWFs are increasing their allocation to alternatives, in particular European infrastructure projects
- Quant And technology sessions
- Panel debate: Systematic strategies - a force for good in responsible investment?
- Effective Smart beta and factor based investing - how to achieve greater diversity whilst managing portfolio risk
- Panel: How has the investment climate been shifting as a result of Brexit?

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