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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge Fund Database



  Hedge Fund Search
Name, ISIN, Ticker:

Hedge Funds Search Detailed Search
  Hedge Fund Directories
Listed Hedge Funds:9,956
HF Professionals:16,368
Service Provider:516

Service Provider Registration

MORGAN HEDGE is one of the most frequently visited alternative investment portals and has become the data source of choice for many industry professionals, including fund managers, banks, institutional investors, researchers as well as high net worth individuals.

A Premium Listing in our Service Provider Directory is a very cost effective way to gain exposure to our professional member base of over 15,000 who are seeking professional hedge fund and investment related services.

1. Select Listing Option

Listing Options


Priority Placement - 1st Page - Top Spot in SearchesYes---
Company LogoYes---
Contact DetailsYes
Full Contact Details with Spam Protected E-Mail Links
Partial Contact Info
One Click Export of Contact Details to Outlook, Gmail, Smartphones, etc.Yes---
Social Media Connections & Direct Link to WebsiteYes---
Company/Service DescriptionYes
Unlimited Characters
Publish Press ReleasesYes---
Publish Marketing Material (Brochures, Presentations, etc.)Yes---
  • Your logo or custom banner prominently displayed on all pages in the Featured Service Provider Section
  • 5,000+ Guaranteed monthly impressions in Featured Service Provider Section.
  • Limited to a maximum of 20 Premium Listings per Category
  • Full access to our Hedge Fund Database including all fund and manager contact details (regular price: $70 per month)
Price$75.00 Monthly
$750.00 Annually

Limited time offer: Select Premium and get the 1st month free!

2. Select Category

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Send us an Email to add a new category to our Service Provider Directory.

Hedge Fund Service Provider Premium Listing
Service Provider Premium Listing - Advantages
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