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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge Fund Database



  Hedge Fund Search
Name, ISIN, Ticker:

Hedge Funds Search Detailed Search
  Hedge Fund Directories
Listed Hedge Funds:9,958
HF Professionals:16,369
Service Provider:516

Morgan Hedge Mediadata


Advertise on Morgan Hedge

Advertising on Morgan Hedge enables you to reach a well-defined and targeted audience that consists of highly educated and affluent people, a group most sought after by most advertisers.

In the past, many companies preferably chose sites with a large amount of users and high monthly pageviews for their advertising campaigns, as millions of users and pageviews were viewed as a guarantee for qualitative content. As a consequence, publishers who wanted to attract reputable advertisers had to become more general and broad to widen their audience and user base.

Therefore, advertising on sites with more general topics or on search engines is expensive and often ineffective for many specialized products and services.

Morgan Hedge and its unique, highly qualitative content caters to a select audience, not found in this concentration on many other sites across the world wide web.

If your company is looking to attract the attention of High Net worth individuals, fund- and portolio managers, institutional investors, university researchers or industry professionals for your products and services, Morgan Hedge offers you the perfect paltform and should be your premier choice for your next ad campaign.

User Statistics

 Registered Users:   18,000+


18-24      5%

25-34      25%

35-44      30%

45-54      22%

   55+      18%

North America      43%

Western Europe      38%

Asia      12%

Other      7%

Female      22%

Male      78%

College / University      92%

Graduate School      8%
Yearly Household Income

100,000+      90%

Invested in Hedge Funds      68%

Traffic Statistics

Pageviews (per month):

Unique Visitors (per month):

Alexa Global Rank:

Bounce Rate:
Below 5%

Morgan Hedge is one of the top 100,000 websites globally and in the top 5 worldwide for hedge fund and alternative investment related websites, according to Alexa Analytics.

All Data as of May 2012.


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On request we can implement other banner locations and ad-forms.


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Please do not hesitate to contact us at: advertising [at] hedgeweb.net if you have any special requests or questions regarding advertising on Morgan Hedge

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