Morgan Hedge | Hedge Fund Database


Enabling Cookies

Follow the steps below to enable cookies needed for access to Morgan Hedge


Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 | 7.0 | 8.0

  1. Click on the Tools menu in Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on the Internet Options item in the menu - a new window opens.
  3. Click on the Privacy tab near the top of the window.
  4. Click on the Sites button - another window opens.


    1. Enter in the text field and then click Allow. will appear in the Managed webistes list below with a Setting of Allowed
    2. Save changes by clicking Ok in each window and refresh the Morgan Hedge login page


    Enabling cookies in Mozilla/Firefox

    1. Click on the Tools-menu in Mozilla
    2. Click on the Options... item in the menu - a new window opens
    3. Click on the Privacy selection in the left part of the window. (See image below)
    4. Expand the Cookies section.
    5. Check the Enable cookies and Accept cookies normally checkboxes.
    6. Save changes by clicking Ok and refresh the Morgan Hedge login page

    For other browser types please see the help menu in your browser for further information.

This article comes from Morgan Hedge | Hedge Fund Database

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